Could your island use a bit of organization? Check out the new Merge Magnet!
What is it?
The Merge Magnet helps players gather identical items from around their island more easily.
Where do I find it?
Within the new Toolbox! To access your Tools, tap and hold your finger on any piece on your game board. That piece will be selected, and a radial menu will appear around it, containing the various tool options, and next to the Shovel you'll see icons for the different Merge Magnets.
How does it work?
Open the Toolbox by tapping on the piece on your board, then click the Magnet that you'd like to use out of the Toolbox and drop it onto an item you'd like to find more of.
Once you've dropped the Magnet onto an item, any nearby empty spaces will be filled with items identical to it!
Different Types of Magnets
Within the Toolbox icon, you may see multiple types of Magnets:
- Collect All Magnet
- Use this Magnet to gather all identical copies of the item you've selected, from anywhere on your island
- Use this Magnet to gather all identical copies of the item you've selected, from anywhere on your island
- Collect 5 Magnet
- Use this Magnet to gather up to 4 copies of the item you've selected (perfect for merging 5 together!)
- Use this Magnet to gather up to 4 copies of the item you've selected (perfect for merging 5 together!)
- Infinite Magnet
- The Infinite Magnet is not a completely separate tool, but a special reward you can earn to gain temporary unlimited use of your other magnets!
- In the image below, you'll see an example of the Infinite Magnet (one that lasts for 5 minutes). Once this item is activated, it will disappear from the map (don't worry, it's not lost!). If you then open the Toolbox, you'll see that you can use your Magnets as many times as you'd like, for as long as the timer lasts!
Q. Can I use the Merge Magnet if I don't have any empty spaces near the item I select?
A. If your island is very full, the Magnet will still work! Instead of filling nearby empty spaces, identical items will instead move other items out of the way, to group near to the item you've selected.
Q. How often can I use it?
A. Each time a Magnet is used, you'll see a cooldown timer appear. Once the time has elapsed, the Magnet will be available again. Each different magnet type may have a different cooldown length -- Of course, if you have an Infinite Magnet, you can use it endlessly until the timer is up!